The sky was grey with clouds. Goosebumps were covering my body.With wind blowing giving me a cold shock.Standing there waiting for us were two people called Sam aka Sandwich and Mick.He told us what we were here for Kiwi Kick and started to tell us alittle bit about it.”I hope it doesn’t rain.
Before we could start our skills we played a little warm up game called continues tag.Everyone is in you have to tag people.If you get tagged you have to watch the person that tagged you and when they get tagged you can stand up and tag other people.
One of the skills were learnt were called the drop punt were you hold the ball in front of you and keep the laces away from you faces.We had to kick it to our partner.There is a pass called a hand pass where you have to close one of your hands and hit the ball kind of like volleyball.
To help us expand our skills we had learnt we played a game where you aimed at Sam the netball post and if you get them you get points for your team.We were split up into two teams one called Penguins and the other teams called polar bears.We used to punt kick skill.Yes i said with excitement as i had just got a point for my team the Penguins.But at the game the Polar Bears had won.
It was alot of fun learning how to play.In a couple of weeks we will be playing Kiwi Kick and I cant wait.
Red 5 Spelling Words
8 months ago
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