Joshua Iosefo is a year 13 prefect at Mt Roskill Grandma.Like all prefects they have to give a speech to the school but instead of giving a speech he wrote a poem called “Brown brother”.His friend Rashard filmed it and put it on youtube.Then Campbell live saw it and brought him into his studio, and told him to say it again so everyone can see it.
Joshua Iofeso is telling us not to listen to stereotypes, and to also not be scared to change.Believe in yourself so you can go beyond your limit and succeed. Also to not be scared of being the first to graduate or get a really good job.LIke our korero champions never give up you can do the same thing.
This poem really inspired me to do better in everything I do and I hope it can inspire you in a way.
CLICK HERE to watch the video
Red 5 Spelling Words
8 months ago